Cereal with a Fork

Cereal with a Fork

About Cereal with a Fork

Contact: burnwagonpress@gmail.com
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85 Responses to Cereal with a Fork

  1. Prajafia says:

    I don’t get it, I’m stupid I guess.

  2. Maybe I don’t quite get this….

  3. that’s so funny 🙂

    love this one!!

  4. blackwatertown says:

    Very good & clever.

  5. I don’t smoke, but this makes me giggle 😛

  6. I think the people who don’t “get” it have never smoked. This is hilarious!

  7. While I’m not a smoker, nor do I advocate smoking, I can definitely see the humor here.

    But my favorite part of your blog? “For those with visual impairments, or just too lazy to read: Call (405) 634-3395 and I’ll describe the jokes to you.”



  8. natasiarose says:

    Cute! What’s the size for “Being hit on by unattractive dude outside of bar”?

  9. Aurora says:

    Funnnnnnnyyy. LOL. But what first caught my attention was your name. You may not believe this but only recently, I was racing around through my day, poured a bowl of cereal and wondered why it was taking so long to eat. Yes. I was eating cereal with a fork. True story. Plenty more where that came from but trying to rehab from all my idiosyncracies. Wait. Why bother. They are me. Us. Stay you.

  10. Jane says:

    When I used to smoke, that would have been perfect – very clever!

  11. This is so funny. I live in nothern Wisconsin and don’t smoke but have on occasion. I could have used those short ones when my friend and I used to stop in a public park in January after a rough day at work. There was a lot of waste because we couldn’t brave the cold.

  12. Lakia Gordon says:

    Lol, I get it !! At first I didn’t, but after careful observation it makes sense.

  13. kevenjacobs says:

    hahaha this is hilarious.

  14. manaadiar says:

    Not sure why this is featured in Freshly Pressed.. No message at all..??

  15. puglovesbiscuit says:

    To those who don’t get it: You chose the cigarette according to the situation- so January in snow- short smoke as it is cold, talking to cute girl- extra long so you can talk to her longer.

  16. puglovesbiscuit says:


  17. elltron3000 says:

    Haha excellent. If you like this check out my blog! http://www.fidelandcastro.wordpress.com

  18. I work in a school. I so get it, Lol!

  19. This is funny!! Congrats on being freshly pressed!!


  20. Eric says:

    Hahaha. Just checked out some of your other posts and I really dig your style. Keep it up!

  21. cassiecares says:

    That’s awesome! Especially in the midwest (or other places with cold winters). Sometimes you just need to drag-and-go! Great news.

  22. Stephanie says:

    Totally true. Totally hilarious.

  23. not a smoker – but very clever!


  24. Awesome, why is this not sold in stores? I find myself smoking half a ciggarette most of the time, either cold as shit, or hiding from those awkward friends you don’t really fancy too much. Brilliant post.

  25. It was the title of this blog post that caught my attention. It has been over twenty years ago that I gave up smoking. I started when I was 13. Today, I am going on seventy. Only one who has smoked for years can they really understand how many cigs one wastes in a lifetime of smoking, where the limitations of time take over! Congrads on being chosen for FP. Well done!

  26. This is hilarious — the whole thing. Great title: I had to go to something called “Cereal with a Fork.” I’m plotting already about how to use the title in a blog post (I write about cooking seasonal food), like maybe when your cereal has been frozen in the snow and you pick it up bowl and all with a giant meat-carving fork. Good job!

  27. corzgalore says:

    Hmm, interesting.

  28. I finally got it after staring at it for like 5 minutes lol

  29. You wouldn’t have to alter the size of your cigarettes if you took the easy way out and used chewing tobacco.

  30. ocaptainx says:

    Congrats on getting freshly pressed, I don’t smoke myself but this is great! Very clever and funny. 🙂

  31. realmente e conplicadinho

  32. newsy1 says:

    Now-a-days with smokers being labeled degenerates and worse, all the cigs in the pack should be short as many smokers spend less and less time puffing and more time trying to pretend they don’t really smoke. Great post-toon.

  33. Lafemmeroar says:

    lol moments in life are the length of a smoke … “Huddled in a snowbank …” needs a longer stick. If one is huddled in snow then one most likely has no where to go.

  34. KL says:

    Very Funny. I’m definitely not a smoker, but have enough friends/family who do to know exactly where this is coming from. Clever.

  35. Pingback: 内涵图,你看懂没? « Ls|低头走路>不去天堂

  36. I don’t get how people aren’t getting it and I don’t even smoke.

  37. Arjdalumat says:

    Laughing my f*ckin* as* out! As in literally! 😀

  38. Awesome says:

    This was hilarious.

  39. Ahsan says:

    usage or recyclng of the waste material of a cat.
    Its Ahsan

  40. John J. Rigo says:

    Noticed that my thoughtfully written post on this was never posted. Typical of a cig smoker….lack of brains!

  41. cosgr says:

    nice one! 🙂

  42. smoker or not, it’s funny. i know smokers that would get a kick out of it and add a few like: waiting for a drink cigarette and the after sex smoke…
    for those that don’t get it, well- not sure what to say about that one.

  43. Isaac says:

    Haha, clever clever. If someone wanted to turn this into a public health announcement they could have a size option that is no cigarette, and the description is, “When you like your lungs”


  44. i’m just gonna claim “i get it” and haha!!

  45. eeryweerywoe says:

    Shear excellence! Well done on being freshly pressed.

  46. Summer says:

    I got what this picture meant only after reading the comments!! it’s genius!

  47. taureanw says:

    Also best…….name……ever……….

  48. jollof says:

    Absolutely fagtastic!

    P.S – ‘Fag’ is also a slang for cigarette

  49. metan says:

    Chuckle…. And to all you people that didn’t get it, can you hear my exasperated sigh!?

  50. Ha. This is awesome! Love it!

  51. i love art that makes you consider objects/situations in new ways.
    +1 follower 🙂

  52. I thought this had several ideas, in a small pkg.

  53. Why do people who smoke are allowed to work with kids? Don’t kids have enough of bad examples at home? 🙂

    P.S. I called the number and a cat answered…I think the same one from the heading of the blog!

  54. i so hope we can imposed this to every smoker.. anyway, its a nice thought though..

  55. kablom says:

    Your website is really cool!
    promote your website here:

  56. Pranab says:

    Ah… I don’t smoke and still I get it! 😛

    Glad I chose to peruse the list of freshly pressed blogs…

  57. Palm Trees & Bare Feet says:

    This is great! I love the “In January, huddled near a snowbank” one! Winter’s horrible for smokers!

  58. gaycarboys says:

    It makes perfect sense to me but then I’m an ex smoker. Who of us hasn’t lit up in the freezing cold the take a couple of puffs before the cold gets to you then wasted the rest. We all know relighting is just nasty. The one about talking to a cute girl got me chuckling for obvious reasons.

  59. realanonymousgirl2011 says:


  60. Pingback: Cereal with a Fork (via Cereal with a Fork) « Rants and Raves By KiNgDeeM

  61. I *do* get it and I want a t-shirt.

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